In business today the need to earn money and the greed to maximise profit is rapidly reaching higher grounds, there is also an on-going fear of losing it. It is important that we put measures in place to protect our property and our assets to ensure good business practices with customers.
High Security Seals are essential for providing the highest level of security for loss prevention. However the user knowledge of what a high security seal is and its application pool are limited. And consequently security seal users under-estimate the product they wish to seal and hence cause serious mistakes resulting in major losses.
Other important mistakes are also made involving the user not able to apply the seal correctly and this also leads to a loss. Security Seal Manufacturers Mega Fortris UK acknowledge these mistakes and have provided some points to consider to enable you to choose the right seal.
- What will be the purpose of the security seal? You need to have confidence in knowing your application requirements before purchasing a security seal. For example if you are shipping goods via shipping containers then the primary choices would be high security bolt seals or cable seals.
- Remember: there is a variety of security seals that can be used in the example above, and when transporting cargo across the ocean, a C-TPAT compliant seal or a security seal that has been certified to ISO 17712 is also needed. So Know your Application!
- Many users have a wrong belief of its pricing and many do not take into account that the price can play a serious role to keep high security. Never buy low priced seals for high security requirements. A high security seal has been designed, tested and manufactured with the appropriate materials to withstand unauthorised access to high value goods. Therefore if you’re looking for a genuine high security seal, it is advisable not to choose your security seal solution based on price.
- High Security Seals are built for single transition use only. This means that once the seal has reached its destination it will have to be cut in order for the receiver to access their goods. Once cut the security seal will be useless and will have to be replaced. Re-using a security seal more than once can make the seal vulnerable to tamper attacks, which will put the goods you are securing at risk of loss.
- It is important that you understand your security seal. Many users do not have enough knowledge about the signs to look for where seal tampering has taken place. Your security seal provider can train users on tamper evidence. Mega Fortris has recently developed a new bolt seal for containers, the first customs approved bolt seal that has tamper evidence technology implemented in its design. Mega Fortris strongly believe in educating its seal users and are more than happy to provide essential training where required.
- Finally it is important to understand that all security seals have definitive lifetimes, normally this is once the transport mode has reached its destination. And so the security seal should be properly destroyed to prevent any unauthorised personnel from gaining knowledge about your product. Once they learn about the product, more efficient techniques can be developed to break your seal.